En partenariat avec Screen Brussels, la SACD propose à ses auteurs et autrices de l'audiovisuel de se rendre à Malmö en Suède les 14 et 15 janvier prochains, pour participer à des rencontres de co-production “entre voisins du Nord”, avec des scénaristes, réalisateurs·trices et producteurs·trices du Danemark et de Suède.
NB : La rencontre et les candidatures se faisant en anglais, l'appel à candidatures est disponible en langue anglaise exclusivement. Merci pour votre compréhension.
The project, "Inspired by Neighbours - Coproduction in Europe"
Today Co-production is a natural part of the financing puzzle for most producers. It is often an economic necessity when you are producing film and TV series to move out and work cross borders with co-production, regional funding or incentives. For the producer co-production between countries is often seen as challenging. It is often driven by economical needs, it can be difficult to cooperate in different countries with different systems and culture and it is hard to meet everyone’s, sometimes very different, interests and demands.
But this co-production day with Denmark, Belgium and Sweden is about trying to forget these structural challenges and to tackle creativity and narratives in an international perspective. It is about trying, for once, to put the economic discussion aside, and focus together on our common history in Europe, on the cultural differences and similarities in our countries and discuss and investigate how we can create original, international and genuine stories with each other and for a bigger market… and maybe come up with or at least plant a seed for some ideas for film or TV series that is based on these common European origins, histories and stories!
This session will work as a Think Tank with writers, directors and producers from each of the three countries, invited to collaborate creatively and discuss how to tell entertaining and important stories that cross cultures and nationalities without loosing out on their local identity and origin. Regional funders from Belgium, Denmark and Sweden will also explain how they work and what they are looking for, but the plan is also to discuss those subjects from various perspectives as eg. philosophical, historical, economic, political.
Studio and Elite Hotel Adlon in Malmø, Sweden
14 & 15 january 2019
. 10 Guests from Denmark
. 10 Guests from Sweden
. 20 Guests from Belgium, among which 4 authors (screenwriters and/or directors), 2 men and 2 women
How to apply
Written in English, each application must be comprised of:
. Company profile
. Short CV
. Selected filmography
. Projects in development
. Reason for participation
. Answer to the question: What makes you European?
. A Picture
Please send your application in only one file (word or pdf) to
En partenariat avec Screen Brussels, la SACD propose à ses auteurs et autrices de l'audiovisuel de se rendre à Malmö en Suède les 14 et 15 janvier prochains, pour participer à des rencontres de co-production “entre voisins du Nord”, avec des scénaristes, réalisateurs·trices et producteurs·trices du Danemark et de Suède.
NB : La rencontre et les candidatures se faisant en anglais, l'appel à candidatures est disponible en langue anglaise exclusivement. Merci pour votre compréhension.
The project, "Inspired by Neighbours - Coproduction in Europe"
Today Co-production is a natural part of the financing puzzle for most producers. It is often an economic necessity when you are producing film and TV series to move out and work cross borders with co-production, regional funding or incentives. For the producer co-production between countries is often seen as challenging. It is often driven by economical needs, it can be difficult to cooperate in different countries with different systems and culture and it is hard to meet everyone’s, sometimes very different, interests and demands.
But this co-production day with Denmark, Belgium and Sweden is about trying to forget these structural challenges and to tackle creativity and narratives in an international perspective. It is about trying, for once, to put the economic discussion aside, and focus together on our common history in Europe, on the cultural differences and similarities in our countries and discuss and investigate how we can create original, international and genuine stories with each other and for a bigger market… and maybe come up with or at least plant a seed for some ideas for film or TV series that is based on these common European origins, histories and stories!
This session will work as a Think Tank with writers, directors and producers from each of the three countries, invited to collaborate creatively and discuss how to tell entertaining and important stories that cross cultures and nationalities without loosing out on their local identity and origin. Regional funders from Belgium, Denmark and Sweden will also explain how they work and what they are looking for, but the plan is also to discuss those subjects from various perspectives as eg. philosophical, historical, economic, political.
Studio and Elite Hotel Adlon in Malmø, Sweden
14 & 15 january 2019
. 10 Guests from Denmark
. 10 Guests from Sweden
. 20 Guests from Belgium, among which 4 authors (screenwriters and/or directors), 2 men and 2 women
How to apply
Written in English, each application must be comprised of:
. Company profile
. Short CV
. Selected filmography
. Projects in development
. Reason for participation
. Answer to the question: What makes you European?
. A Picture
Please send your application in only one file (word or pdf) to